工程机械大都以柴油机作为动力。水冷式柴油机的正常工作水温应在75~90℃之间,风冷式柴油机的缸盖散热片温度也不可超过120℃。但是,在炎热的夏季,不少机器在作业中往往出现机温过高甚至水箱 “开锅” 现象,从而导致油耗上升。功率下降和机件磨损加剧等不良后果,
Most of the construction machinery diesel engine as a driving force. Water-cooled diesel engine normal working temperature should be between 75 ~ 90 ℃, air-cooled diesel engine cylinder head heatsink temperature should not exceed 120 ℃. However, during the hot summer months, many machines often experience engine overheating and even “boil” the water tank, resulting in increased fuel consumption. Power loss and wear and tear and other parts of the adverse consequences,