
来源 :党政视野 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktv238
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清康熙末年,吏治废弛,贪贿公行,整个王朝的行政秩序已经无法回到有序运行的轨道。官场腐败的代价必然是民生的凋敝。雍正即位后认为,要反腐真正有成效,就要解决官员收入问题。他要求的只是清廉,而并不是让官员们饿着肚子办公。因此他决定,给地方官员发放养廉银,让他们不再靠贪污受贿生活。养廉银改革,让官员的收入显性化、透明化、制度化。发放养廉银数额虽然庞大, At the end of the Qing Emperor Kangxi, official administration was abolished and corruption was taken for public use. The administrative order of the entire dynasty was no longer able to return to the track of orderly operation. The price of officialdom corruption must be the collapse of people’s livelihood. After the reign of Emperor Yongzheng, it is believed that if anti-corruption is truly effective, we must solve the problem of official income. He demanded only cleanliness, not to let officials work hungry. So he decided to give local officials silver bonuses so that they would no longer live on corruption and bribery. Yin Lian Yin reform, so that officials of the income of the dominant, transparent and institutionalized. Although the amount of silver billets issued is huge,
BACKGROUND: There is much debate over the regulation of mitochondrial calcium overload and reducing the impairment of energy metabolism in hepatic cells. It has