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2015年,石家庄市认真贯彻落实省委书记赵克志同志提出“要把太行山绿化作为重中之重来抓”的指示精神,把加快太行山绿化作为筑牢维护省会西部生态安全屏障、促进当地农民增收致富的重要内容来抓,举全市之力大搞造林绿化,取得了很大成绩,带动了全市林业的跨越式发展。据统计,2015年全市完成造林绿化100万亩(其中太行山绿化完成造林54万亩),造林面积、数量、成效均创历史之最。2015年石家庄市被国家林业局授予“国家森林城市”称号,被全国绿化委员会命名为“全国绿化模范城市”荣誉称号。 In 2015, Shijiazhuang City conscientiously implemented the spirit of Comrade Zhao Kezhi, secretary of the provincial party committee, and proposed that “we should take the greening of the Taihang Mountains as a top priority” and accelerate the greening of the Taihang Mountains as a barrier to safeguard the ecological safety of the western capital of the provincial capital and promote the local The important content of peasants’ increasing income and wealth came from grasping the great power of afforestation in the whole city and achieved great success, which led to the leap-forward development of forestry in the whole city. According to statistics, in 2015, the city completed one million mu of afforestation (of which 540,000 mu was afforested by Taihang Mountain Afforestation). The afforestation area, quantity and effectiveness all achieved the highest in history. In 2015, Shijiazhuang City was awarded the title of “National Forest City” by the State Forestry Administration and was named as “National Model City for Greenery” by the National Greening Committee.
对二滩电站泄洪洞施工特点和技术要求,采用合理先进的施工方法,以达到满足质量的快速砼施工效果。 Ertan hydropower station spillway tunnel construction characteristic
1 工程概况 费县石沟拦河闸枢纽工程是许家崖灌区配套工程的组成部分,位于枋河上游浚河上,闸上游流域面积2045.6km~2,按50年一遇洪水设计,设计流量为4750m~3/s,蓄水量450万m
①加强和改善水资源管理体系 随着人类社会的进步和经济的发展,世界人口的剧增,加之水资源的浪费与污染等,当前占世界人口总量40%的80个国家严重缺水,另有26个国家2.32亿人,
Growing a silicon(Si) layer on top of stacked Si-germanium(Ge) compressive layer can introduce a tensile strain on the former, resulting in superior device char