The Investigation of English Writing Teaching in Middle Schools

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  In order to change the present situation of English writing teaching in middle schools, the author did an investigation in several middle schools in Jiangxi Ji’an and analyzed the reasons.
  1. Research Background
  Writing is becoming an important part our daily life. People come to understand the importance of English writing such as writing letters or sending e-mails in people’s everyday work. To certain degree writing is a communicative form to transmit information.
  2. The Current Situation of English Writing Teaching in Middle Schools in Jiangxi Ji’an
  The author had been engaged in English writing teaching for several years and has done a lot of research through teaching practice and communication with other teachers. Here is a questionnaire survey involving the students’ interests in writing, their understanding of the standard of good composition and their attitudes toward the traditional composition revising methods. Judging from the statistic analysis, the following conclusion can be made:
  More than half of the students have no interests in English writing. As for the standard of good composition, 43% students think good composition means no or less grammar mistakes; half students think composition with no or less spelling mistakes is good; 38% students consider composition with enough word to be good. When asked their attitudes towards the teachers’ evaluation, 91% students think that it hasn’t any help in improving their writing ability. 53% students state that they spend only one minute to skim the mark then immediately put it aside. As for how to improve their English writing ability, 47% students think the present writing teaching method should be changed.
  3. Analysis of the Problems Existing in English Writing Teaching in Middle Schools
  From the survey above, the existing problem of English writing teaching in middle schools is clear. Here is the analysis of the typical rooted reasons:
  1) Poor English level, lack of interest and confidence in English learning. Most middle school students lack interest and confidence in English writing. They have low motivation to practice writing and most students think that writing is boring and time-consuming.
  2) Stressing the writing product, ignoring the writing process. Most teachers use the traditional writing teaching methods. After the teacher assigned the writing task, few students spend some time analyzing the title and making an outline.   3) Teacher-oriented education, neglecting students ’authenticity. Traditional writing teaching method emphasizes the teachers’ teaching, ignoring the students’ learning. Teachers are the center of the class while students have few chances to participate in the teaching activities.
  4) Negative effects of tests. English teaching in middle schools aims at the entrance exams which have more marks on multiple choices. Take the College Entrance Examination for example, writing has only 23% ratio of the whole150 marks. It is obvious to see that writing is not as important a proportion as listening and reading.
  4. Conclusion
  The current situation of English writing teaching in middle schools is not optimistic, so it is quite necessary and urgent to develop an appropriate way to solve the problems.
  [1] 陶瀅. 要过程还是结果—论英语写作教学的改进[J]. 山东师大外国语学院学报, 20019(04).
  [2] 丁往道. 英语写作手册[M]. 北京: 外语教学与研究出版社, 2001.
  作者简介:刘晓芳, 女, 讲师, 硕士研究生,任教于江西吉安师范学校,从事英语教学工作。
【摘 要】 提升高中生英语阅读能力一直是英语教学的焦点问题之一。英文报刊因其独特的优势成为课程资源拓展的最佳选择。合理利用报刊文章,需要教师和学生主体作用交替发挥,以任务的形式将阅读内容具体化,从而学习和掌握阅读技巧。同时全面提升学生英语学习的基础语言能力和文化鉴赏力,实现师生双赢的局面。  【关键词】 课程资源 报刊阅读 语言输入 阅读教学  1. 引言  阅读在一张英语试卷中的分值直观地体现了
近年江苏省英语高考中,书面表达以概括材料阅读的读写式任务作文已成为主流,对学生有限时间的理解能力与输出能力提出了更高的要求。不同层次或同一层次的考生在书面表达环节差异性较大,笔者试由对近几年的江苏省英语高考书面表达的分析,结合教学中存在的困难,提出一些建议,希望能与教师和学生互勉互助。  1.英语写作的现状  英语写作向来是学生学习英语的难点问题。因对其有惧怕心理,许多学生走进了“作文得分低不想写
现在进行时是初中英语主要语法项目之一,对现在进行时的教学也是百家争鸣。但多以传统的演绎法和归纳法为主要教学形式,无论是演绎法还是归纳法,均以教师讲、学生被动听的灌输教学为主要特点,教师讲得多、学生活动少。而新课程改革要求激发学生学习兴趣,采用自主探究、合作学习、自主构建知识等学习方式,培养学生的合作意识和创新能力。如何在语法教学中,融入新课程理念、创建活跃课堂,下面谈点个人的心得。  1. Fre
1. 互动的概念和特点  互动(interaction)是两人或更多的人之问思想、感情和观点的相互交流,对交流各方产生影响 。在人与人的交流中,人们发出信息,接受信息,在上下文的语境中解释这些信息,对意义相互协商并共同完成任务。  互动教学模式主要是一种以学生为中心,通过小组互动、组际交流、师生互动等方式来构筑课堂主体结构的教学模式。其主要目的是通过在课堂教学中让学生积极参与,一方面为学生提供更多
在传统的阅读教学中,教师习惯于对文章由词及句、由句及段的翻译。过于强调基础知识的讲解,却忽略了对语篇结构、文章背景以及知识运用上的引导。导致学生无法从整体上把握文章,对于阅读的理解仅仅停留在表层。语篇分析则以整体为基础,注重对篇章结构的分析,并且有助于提升学生的自主学习水平,对提升学生的阅读能力有很大的作用。那么,在阅读教学中如何合理地运用语篇分析呢?  1. 介绍背景文化,激活原有图式  语言是
(一)新授课教学模式  一、遵循的理念  课程改革的核心环节是课程实施,而课程实施的基本途径是课堂教学。《基础教育课程改革纲要》(试行)明确指出,教学过程是师生交往、共同发展的互动过程。在教学过程中,要处理好传授知识与培养能力的关系,注重培养学生的独立性和自主性,引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,使学习成为在教师指导下主动的、富有个性的过程。新课程要求的教学改革,应当贯彻“让课堂充满生命活力
英语课堂教学中提倡任务型教学活动。教师通过精心设计教学环节,创设贴近学生实际的教学活动,吸引和组织学生积极参与,让学生在愉快的学习中获得知识,培养兴趣,提高素质。  然而,很多教师都忽视了教学的另外一个环节——作业布置。传统的布置作业的方法就是让学生有写不完的字,背不完的课文,枯燥冗繁的作业往往使学生倍感学习的压力和无奈,这也成为了负担。而事实上,在现在课改的提出,各种教学理念的更新,做作业也不应