亚特兰大奥运会后,国际体操联合会又一次修改了体操规则。 新修改的规则于1997年开始实施,它包括取消规定动作的比赛,增加A、B组裁判,降低起评分(男子起评分从9.0降为8.6,女子起评分从9.4降为9.0)等几方面的内容。 规则修改后,如何欣赏体操呢?为此,中国体操队领队钱奎推荐了刚刚通过国际裁判考试的赵嘉伟、俞枫两位年轻裁判,让他们分别站在男子和女子体操的“执法”角度,来回答读者关心的问题。
After the Atlanta Olympics, the International Gymnastics Federation once again revised the gymnastics rules. The new revised rules came into force in 1997, which included canceling the stipulated moves, adding A and B referees, reducing the number of marks (from 9.0 to 8.6 for men and from 9.4 to 9.0 for women) Content. Therefore, the Chinese gymnastics team leader Qian Kui recommended two young referees, Zhao Jiawei and Yu Feng, who just passed the international referee examination, so that they stand separately from the perspective of “law enforcement” of men’s and women’s gymnastics. To answer the reader’s concern.