1 1935年6月,成思危出生在湖南湘乡,父亲成舍我是我国报业杰出的开拓者之一。他是成家五姐弟中唯一的男孩,“自强、独立、民主”的家训,使他从小就有了“男儿当自强”的意识,父亲给他取名为“思危”,就是想要他居安思危,不要忘记一个男儿的责任,干出一番轰轰烈烈的事业。两岁的时候,抗日战争爆发,父亲任社长的《立报》由于坚持抗日立场,被迫于1937年11月25
In June 1935, Cheng Siwei was born in Xiangxiang, Hunan Province, and his father, Cheng She, was one of the pioneers of the newspaper industry in our country. He was the only boy among the five siblings of his family. His “family self-improvement, independence and democracy” motto made him an early age with a sense of “self-improvement as a man,” and his father named him “thinking danger” He is in full swing, do not forget the responsibility of a man, dry out a vigorous career. At the age of two, when the Anti-Japanese War broke out and his father’s chief executive’s “Li Po” insisted on the anti-Japanese stance, he was forced to return to China on November 25, 1937