问:如何了解、判断孩子视力的发育情况,以便早期发现近视及时治疗? 答:近视眼主要的症状是对远处目标辨别不清。有些孩子对看远模糊已成习惯,认为这是自然现象,而且满足于自己近距离的较好视力,这就需要我们作父母的细心观察加以判断,以便及时了解孩子的视力情况。患近视眼的儿童,由于看远不清,大多不喜欢室外活动,而对看书绘画等室内活动兴趣比较大,他们看书写画时距离很近,看电视要求在电视机跟前看,否则就眯着眼睛向前凑;有的孩子学习成绩下降,追向起来也是因为看不清黑板上的字迹而造成的;还有的孩子一看书就头晕、眼胀、眼疼、头疼,这些情况
Q: How to understand, determine the development of children’s visual acuity in order to detect early treatment of myopia? A: The main symptoms of myopia is to distinguish distant targets unclear. Some children have become accustomed to look far blurred, that this is a natural phenomenon, but also to meet their own good eyesight close, which requires our careful parents to judge, in order to keep abreast of the child’s vision. Children suffering from myopia, because the look far unclear, most do not like outdoor activities, and reading and drawing indoor activities such as greater interest in reading and writing when they are close, watching TV on the TV look forward, or squint With some children learning performance decline, chase up because they can not see the handwriting on the blackboard caused; there are children reading a book on dizziness, bloating, eye pain, headache, these conditions