The efficacy of intratumoral injection of sodium morrhuate ethanol mixture (SMPA) and absolute ethanol (PAL) in hepatocellular carcinoma was studied. There were 30 lesions in the SMPA group and 32 lesions in the PAL group. The results showed that 1 case in the PAL group had poor control and 6 cases relapsed in situ, of which 2 cases had recurrence in situ with portal cancer thrombosis, and 2 cases had a significant increase compared to the end of treatment. The SMPA group had good control and no increase in follow-up from half to a year and a half. Color ultrasound ultrasonography (CDFI) showed that SMPA rapidly and completely embolized tumor vessels compared with PAL. There was a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.05). Pathological results showed that most of the tumor cells in the infiltrating area of the SMPA group had coagulative necrosis, and most of the intratumoral blood vessels were embolized; while in the PAL group, most of the tumor cells in the infiltrating central area were necrotic, the blood vessels in the infiltrating peripheral area were significantly expanded and congested. There are more proliferating blood vessels on and around the tumor’s capsule. We believe that SMPA is a more ideal intratumoral injection of drugs than PAL.