Alex and Friends Adventure in Europe 惊险刺激的欧洲之旅

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  What's the story atout?
  Six years ago, Alex the Lion, Marty the Zebra, Melman theGiraffe and Gloria the Hippo (河马) went to Africa. This year,they feel homesick (想家的 ). They decide to go back to theirhorue, the New York Central Park Zoo. Their first stop is MonteCarlo, a city in EarBorpe(欧洲).
  When they get there, the city'sanimal control agent(管制员),Dubois. finds them. She tries tocatch them. The animals become“Europe's Most Wanted(欧洲头号通缉的)”.They don't have timeto rest. They have to run and find a safe place.
  Luckily(幸运地),they find a circus(马戏团).It's a good place for them tostay. The circus travels(旅行)to many European cities.
  Vitaly the Tiger is the leader(领导)of the circus. But he is sad because thereare no new performances(表演)in the circus. He even wants to close the circus.
  Alex and his friends decide to help Vitaly. They put on colorful wigs(假发)and walk onto the stage(舞台)…
  Can they help Vitaly out? Will they go back home at last? You can find out theanswers in the movie Madagascar 37 Europe'5Most Wanted(《马达加斯加3:欧洲大围捕》).
  Meet the characters
  I want to go back to New Yorkand keep being the most popularanimal there. But we have sometrouble (麻煩 ) in Europe. Luckily,we make our way out.
  I hate animals. My jobis to catch them. There is noroom for animals in my city.Gloria
  People always say I am veryfat and stupid(笨拙的).But I canwalk steadily(平稳地)on thehigh wire(钢丝).By the way, doyou like my pink skirt?
  I love Africa. But I amwilling to (愿意 ) stay with myfriends. Vitaly is not happy, wedecide to help him. I am the firstone to put on a wig.
  Facts about the movie:
  1. Alex and his friends go to some faruousEuropean places, such as the Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)and the Triumphal Arch(凯旋门)in France.
  2. Some new animals are in the movie,like Vitaly the Tiger and Stefano the Sea Lion.
There are bridges on the rivers,  As pretty as you please;  But the bow that bridges heaven,  And overtops the trees,  And builds a road from earth to sky,  Is prettier far than these.  河上架起了座座小桥,  看起
海底有很多的珊瑚礁。这是个非常美丽的地方,就像是海底的一片森林。在珊瑚礁里,生活着各种各样的鱼类。他们一会儿游到这边,一会儿游到那边,好像有风在吹着他们似的。可是,有一条鱼总是躲在珊瑚礁的窄缝里,不肯游出来,他总觉得自己长得丑。  这一天,鱼儿们都在快乐地游着。他们一边游,一边讨论着“特殊疑问句”,最终也没弄清楚出正确答案是什么。  1. The woruan ir a i e dress is
同学们,在一到十这10个数字中,你能分别用这些数字造出10个句子吗?这里有一到十只猴子,我们来看看它们都在做些什么吧!  从一到十  一只猴子正在建赡蜍的房子。  两只猴子正在玩跷跷板。上!下!上!下  三只猴子正在跳绳。他们跳呀跳,玩得很开心。  四只猴子正在玩过家家。他们在扮妈妈、爸  爸、姐姐和宝宝。  五只猴子正在玩摸瞎子游戏。  六只猴子成双成对地跑步。一二、一二。  七只猴子正在玩捉迷
同学们,你们还记得那只忽闪着蓝色大眼睛,耳朵大得出奇的小飞象Dumbo吗?在好朋友Timo的鼓励和帮助下,他成了观众最喜爱的小飞象,从此和妈妈快乐地生活在一起。瞧,他们一行三人正准备去纽约旅行呢!  他们早早地来到了火车站。在候车室里,Dumbo和Timo正兴奋地交谈着。突然,他们发现旁边坐着一位老太太,她眉头紧锁,似乎在思考着什么。Dumbo好奇地询问老太太,原来:  (这位老妇人想要去纽约看她
A Legend of Tiger Hill
狗是人类的朋友。不同种类的狗相貌不同,性格也大相径庭。它们有的娇小可爱,有的威严凶猛,有的温顺老实。生活中,人们往往挑选一只符合自己喜好的狗来养。  可你有没有想过,当狗狗们被关在宠物店的笼子里,看着人们挑选时,它们对不同的人也有不同的评价。如果换个角良,让狗狗们来挑选主人,它们的选择标准又会是怎样的呢?让我们一起欣赏来自江苏省南京市银龙花园学校的老师和同学们带来的精彩表演吧!  Actors: 
人的潜力就如海绵里的水,没有外力的挤压,是流不出来的。而只有经过挤压流出来水后,海绵才能吸收新的源泉。可见,压力是检验我们斗志的真金,正面地看待压力,压力便可转化为战斗的勇气与动力。  Like a small boat on the ocean  Sending big waves into motion  Like how a single word  Can make a heart ope