在我多年的军旅生涯中,已有许多事情黯淡无光,唯有那一次深夜救火,给我留下至今难以忘怀的印象。 那是1968年11月份的一个夜晚,我刚刚站完8至10点钟的岗哨,轻手轻脚洗完脸,泡好脚,铺好被,脱衣睡下不到一刻钟,一阵紧急集合的哨声划破宁静的夜空。“有情况,赶快起床。”老班长命令着。不到5分钟,全连战士就集合在操场上。连长指着营区对面的山岗上的一片火光动员说:同志们,当地老乡的一住房发生火灾,我们是人民军队,要以最快的速度去救火,使老乡尽量减少火灾损失。说完,连长手一挥:“跟我来”。这天晚上,天
During my many years of military career, there have been many things that have been bleak. Only one late night firefight left me with an unforgettable impression so far. It was a night in November 1968. I just finished the post at 8 to 10 o’clock and finished my face with light hands and feet, paved, covered and undressed for less than a quarter of an hour while an emergency assembly whistle Acoustic pierced the quiet night sky. “There are situations, get up quickly.” The old monitor ordered. Less than 5 minutes, all fighters gathered in the playground. Commander pointed at the barracks opposite the camp area to mobilize a piece of flames and said: Comrades, a fire broke out in a hometown villager. We are the people’s army and want to save the fire as quickly as possible so that the villagers try their best to reduce the fire losses. Finished, commander waved his hand: “Come with me.” That night, day