As a useful complement to the system of state complaints, the system of criminal private prosecution plays an active role in prosecuting crimes and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of victims in judicial practice. Whether the right of private prosecution can operate effectively requires a series of systems to provide protection for it. As for the current criminal law in our country, although the relevant system has been established, the mechanism to be complemented still needs to be improved. For example, the procuratorial organ acts as a private prosecutorial system. Due to the lack of this system, it directly affects the right of victims The full realization. The procuratorial agencies in Germany, Russia and Taiwan of our country have taken the specific provisions of private prosecution and have also received good results in judicial practice. In this paper, I told the prosecutorial agencies to deal with private prosecution cases as an example to discuss the lack of prosecution in our country as a private prosecution system, and must be targeted to be improved.