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目的观察髓磷脂抑制蛋白Nogo-A/B在遗传性视网膜色素变性(retinitis pigmentosa,RP)遗传模型皇家外科学院大鼠(Royal college of surgeons rat,RCS)视网膜变性发展过程中的表达并探讨其意义。方法按出生后视网膜变性的发展程度将RCS-p+(视网膜含色素的变性大鼠)分为P15d、P30d、P60d和P90d 4组,采用相应时期的RCS-rdy+p+(视网膜含色素的正常大鼠)作为对照,5只/时间点,利用免疫组织化学技术及免疫印迹检测2组(共40只)RCS视网膜上Nogo-A/B蛋白的表达趋势。结果与对照组相比,①P15d、P30d RCS-p+大鼠视网膜各层结构和细胞数目无明显变化,仅节细胞数目轻微减少;P60d、P90d大鼠视网膜外核层(outer nuclear layer,ONL)和内核层(inner nuclear layer,INL)结构出现明显紊乱,细胞数目的减少以ONL和神经节细胞层(ganglion cell layer,RGC)层为主。②IH显示Nogo-A/B蛋白在RCS-p+大鼠各时间段视网膜表达均为阳性,P15d开始出现,随变性过程呈升高趋势,主要表达在INL和RGC层,阳性细胞数目显著高于对照组。③WB免疫印迹检测结果显示P15d、P30d、P60d和P90d Nogo-A蛋白表达量分别为(0.827 37±0.212 92)、(1.110 19±0.089 99)、(1.315 52±0.028 57)、(1.268 81±0.080 42),与对照组相比有显著差异(P<0.05)。Nogo-B2蛋白与Nogo-A蛋白表达趋势一致,但总体表达量较低。结论 Nogo-A蛋白可能参与了视网膜色素变性过程中视神经损伤后的再生修复抑制。 Objective To investigate the expression of myelin inhibitory protein Nogo-A / B and its significance in the development of retinal degeneration in hereditary retinal pigmentosa (RP) genetic model rats (Royal college of surgeons rat) . Methods According to the development of retinal degeneration after birth, RCS-p + (retina pigmented degeneration rats) were divided into P15d, P30d, P60d and P90d4 groups, and the corresponding period of RCS-rdy + p + 5 rats / time point, the expression of Nogo-A / B protein in RCS retina of two groups (40 rats in total) was detected by immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting. Results Compared with the control group, there was no significant change in the structure and cell number of retinal layers in P15d and P30d RCS-p + rats, but the numbers of nodal cells decreased only slightly. In the P60d and P90d rats, the outer nuclear layer (ONL) and The structure of inner nuclear layer (INL) was obviously disturbed, and the number of cells decreased mainly in ONL and ganglion cell layer (RGC). ②IH showed that the expression of Nogo-A / B protein in retina of RCS-p + rats was positive at all time points, P15d began to appear, with the increasing tendency of degeneration, mainly expressed in INL and RGC layers, the number of positive cells was significantly higher than the control group. Western blot analysis showed that the expression of Nogo-A protein at P15d, P30d, P60d and P90d were (0.827 37 ± 0.212 92), (1.110 19 ± 0.089 99), (1.315 52 ± 0.028 57) and (1.268 81 ± 0.080 42), there was a significant difference compared with the control group (P <0.05). Nogo-B2 protein and Nogo-A protein expression trend, but the overall low expression. Conclusion Nogo-A protein may be involved in the inhibition of regenerative repair after optic nerve injury in the process of retinitis pigmentosa.
正常新生儿胸腺大小差异悬殊 ,临床上新生儿巨大胸腺并不罕见[1] ,但在胸部X线平片上酷似大叶性肺炎的巨大胸腺却极少见。现将经CT证实的1例巨大胸腺报告如下 ,以供参考。1 临
目的构建留置导尿管表面大肠杆菌生物膜(biofilm,BF)体内模型,研究巯乙磺酸钠对体内留置导尿管表面大肠杆菌BF的作用。方法家兔行导尿术,经导尿管注入大肠杆菌4 d,扫描电镜及
目的探讨EphB6在小鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells,BMSC)成骨分化中的作用及其可能机制。方法将BMSC通过双相接种法接种于脱钙骨基质,分为4
目的观察载脂蛋白A-I模拟肽L-4F对氧化型低密度脂蛋白(oxLDL)刺激下3T3-L1脂肪细胞分泌表达单核细胞趋化蛋白-1(MCP-1)的影响,并探讨其可能的作用机制。方法 3T3-L1脂肪细胞
目的 探讨C57 BL/6小鼠内耳前庭末梢器官的形态发育过程及MyosinⅥ在该过程中的表达.方法 选择从E10到E20每个时间点的孕鼠,取E10~E17的胚胎头、E18~E20的胚胎内耳,通过冰冻连
肥大细胞增生症(mastocytosis)由Nettleship 1869年首先报道,其特点为组织学上肥大细胞增生性浸润.主要侵犯皮肤,也可累及其他系统或器官,通常为良性过程,只有少数是恶性疾病
目的 探讨脂质体和电穿孔法在HBV X基因转染L02细胞中的差别及X基因蛋白产物对CⅡTA和HLA-DR表达的影响.方法 构建HBV X基因重组表达质粒,通过电穿孔和脂质体法转染人正常肝