Intel’s next-generation product, Merced, is the first IA-64-based 64-bit processor. It believes that the power of IA-64 is enough to capture the high-end segment where RISC is located, but the company is not looking down and is looking for help. Partner HP, the developer at the heart of this new architecture, is moving away from PA-RISC to IA-64, meaning the company’s outstanding RISC line will be abandoned in the next two to three years. HP’s actions also affected other vendors: SGI stopped R14000 plans to develop IA-64; Microsoft’s new Windows2000 will adapt to IA-64; Sun and the use of IBM / Motorola PowerPC architecture Apple RISC on the market began to gradually reduce , All this shows that Merced will make major changes in the future market structure. There are only two teams in the RISC that are worth the wait: First, a new series of two IBM RISC lines (PRC and RS6000) and a 64-bit system, Power3, has a minimum frequency of 300