The authors conducted a parasite and serological survey of four Indian tribes living in Barra and Mato Grosso states in northeastern Brazil in 1987 to identify those malaria that lived in isolated and pristine tribes deep in the jungle Whether the monkey as its storage host. Blood samples were taken from 390 blood samples in 5 ml, and the sera were separated and stored in liquid nitrogen. After returning to the laboratory, the samples were stored at -70 ° C. Thick and thick blood films were stained with Giemsa and examined microscopically. Anopheles festivae infected with Plasmodium falciparum or P. falciparum in vitro were dissected to obtain sporozoites and sporozoites were obtained from Anopheles stephensi infected with P. thaliana in the Arabidopsis thaliana as antigen. Malaria and red blood cells of Plasmodium falciparum for anti-malaria