The influence of pressure on the growth of a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire substrates by MOCVD

来源 :Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liongliong560
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Nonpolar a-plane (110) GaN films have been grown on r-plane (102) sapphire by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) under different growth pressures. The as-grown films are investigated by optical microscopy, high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and Raman scattering. As growth pressure rises from 100 mbar to 400 mbar, the surface gets rougher, and the in-plane XRD full width at half maximum (FWHM) along the c-axis [0001] increases while that along the m-axis [100] decreases. Meanwhile, residential stresses are reduced along both the c-axis and the m-axis. The structural anisotropy feature under 400 mbar is inverted with respect to 100 mbar, and the weakened anisotropy is achieved under a moderate pressure of 200 mbar, probably due to the suppressed Ga atomic migration along the c-axis under a larger pressure. We propose that pressure can affect a-plane growth through the V/III ratio. The as-grown films are investigated by optical microscopy, and the films were grown on r-plane (1 × 02) sapphire by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and Raman scattering. As growth pressure rises from 100 mbar to 400 mbar, the surface gets rougher, and the in-plane XRD full width at half maximum (FWHM) along the c- 0001] increases while that along the m-axis [100] decreases. Meanwhile, residential stresses are reduced along both the c-axis and the m-axis. The structural anisotropy feature under 400 mbar is inverted with respect to 100 mbar, and the weakened anisotropy is achieved under a moderate pressure of 200 mbar, probably due to the suppressed Ga atomic migration along the c-axis under a larger pressure. We propose that pressure can affect a-plane growth through the V / III ratio.
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