本文基于单径AWGN无衰减信道的条件下 ,比较了MF(匹配滤波器 )的两种不同捕获策略 :门限判决和择大判决。衡量捕获性能的主要参数是TMA(平均捕获时间 )和即定时间内的捕获概率 pacq。为得到最小TMA 或最大 pacq 意义下的捕获性能 ,本文就比较门限判决和择大判决两种捕获策略进行比较。得出 :当以捕获时间TMA 作为衡量捕获性能的参数时 ,用最佳门限判决是最好的捕获策略 ;当以一定时间内捕获的概率 pacq 作为衡量捕获性能的参数时 ,择大判决是最好的捕获策略
Based on single AWGN unattenuated channel, this paper compares two different acquisition strategies of MF (matched filter): threshold decision and selective decision. The main parameters to measure the acquisition performance are the TMA (average acquisition time) and the acquisition probability pacq within a set time. In order to obtain the capture performance in the sense of minimum TMA or maximum pacq, this article compares the two kinds of capture strategies, that is, the threshold decision and the maximum decision. It is concluded that the optimal threshold decision is the best acquisition strategy when the acquisition time TMA is taken as the parameter to measure the acquisition performance. When the probability of acquisition pacq is taken as a parameter to measure the acquisition performance, Good capture strategy