网络管理员(俗称网管)是伴随着网络的产生而产生的一个现今比较时髦的职业,也是众多喜爱电脑的年轻朋友们的理想职业之一。本人从事该职业已有三年的时间,这里将一些经验拿出来与大家分享。或许你不是网管,但只要你们公司 / 学校有局域网、你常去网吧或你家里的电脑连入了一个小型局域网,那么这篇文章就对你有用!
Network administrators (commonly known as network management) is accompanied by the emergence of a network of today’s more fashionable career, but also many young people who love computers, one of the ideal job. I have been engaged in the profession for three years, here will be some experience to share with you. Perhaps you are not a webmaster, but as long as your company / school has a local area network, you often go to a cybercafe or your home computer into a small local area network, then this article is useful to you!