
来源 :中国社会公共安全研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wef123456
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2007年厦门PX事件之后,公众反PX浪潮持续高涨。但是在这样极其不利的背景下,漳州PX项目比较平稳顺利地落址古雷半岛,为PX项目选址留下了一个珍贵的成功案例。本文首先分析了漳州PX项目选址的总体背景和当地环境,通过收集和整理大量政府文件和新闻材料重现了漳州PX项目选址的全过程,特别凸显了PX项目所在的漳州市和漳浦县的基层政府官员在加强风险沟通和社会动员中的主要行为模式,沟通时间由事后沟通向事前沟通转变,沟通主体包括党政机关、教育系统、社区工作者等多层次的沟通,沟通形式则表现为播放科学宣教片、邀请专家讲座、组织公众到石化企业参观等。研究表明,以基层政府为主体的风险沟通和社会动员一方面形成了以“体制内”成员为核心的中坚支持力量,另一方面拉近了官员与群众沟通的距离,建立和发展了基于本地社区联系的信任资本,是漳州PX项目获得选址的重要经验。本文的观点是,由政府积极主动地引导社会动员的方向,而不是像其他发生PX事件中由分散的、情绪激愤的公众舆论主导社会动员的方向,是以PX项目为代表的危险设施选址可能取得成功的关键。文章最后也指出了漳州PX项目选址中存在的局限和不足,并进一步探讨了今后完善危险设施选址的基本方向和路径。 After the Xiamen PX incident in 2007, the public anti-PX wave continued to rise. However, in such an extremely unfavorable situation, the Zhangzhou PX project landed relatively smoothly and smoothly on Gulei Peninsula, leaving a precious success story for the PX project site selection. This article first analyzes the overall background and local environment of Zhangzhou PX project site selection, and reproduces the whole process of Zhangzhou PX project site collection and collation by collecting and arranging a large amount of government documents and news materials. In particular, the project of Zhangzhou PX and Zhangpu County grassroots government officials in risk communication and social mobilization in the main mode of behavior, communication time from ex-post communication to ex ante communication change, the main communication, including party and government organs, education systems, community workers and other multi-level communication, the form of communication Performance for the play science missionary, invited experts lectures, organize public visits to petrochemical enterprises. The research shows that the risk communication and social mobilization with the grass-roots government as the main body formed the backbone supporting forces centered on the members of the “system” on the one hand, and the distance between officials and the masses, on the other hand, established and developed Trust capital based on local community ties is an important experience in gaining site selection for the Zhangzhou PX project. This article’s point of view is that the government proactively guides the direction of social mobilization rather than the direction of social mobilization led by the decentralized and emotionally charged public opinion like the other PX incidents. The key to success. Finally, the article also points out the limitations and shortcomings in the site selection of Zhangzhou PX project and further explores the basic direction and path of improving the site selection of hazardous facilities in the future.