多年来,青贮玉米一直是新疆阿勒泰地区牛羊养殖的主要饲料来源,当地年种植面积在7000 hm~2以上,一般产量为4~5 t/667 m~2。笔者从事青贮玉米栽培技术的研究多年,从水利设施配套、土壤耕作精细、选用优质良种、选择优质土壤、科学选用肥料、苗前措施到位、苗后科学管理和及时收获这8个方面,总结出一套适合本地区推广应用的高产栽培技术,产量达6 t/667 m~2,取得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。
For many years, silage corn has been the main source of feed for cattle and sheep farming in the Altay region of Xinjiang. The annual planting area is above 7000 hm 2 and the general output is 4 ~ 5 t / 667 m ~ 2. The author engaged in silage corn cultivation technology for many years, from the water facilities, fine soil cultivation, selection of high quality seeds, selection of high quality soil, scientific selection of fertilizer, pre-emergence measures in place, post-emergence scientific management and timely harvest of these 8 aspects, summed up A set of high-yielding cultivation techniques suitable for popularization and application in the region with a yield of 6 t / 667 m ~ 2 has achieved good economic and social benefits.