The essence of education is inheritance, just as the essence of procreation is the inheritance of the material form of human life. The fertility and multiplication of all life on earth is the process of the continuous genetic, variation and evolution of the physical forms of life. The education process in all mankind’s history is the process of continuously inheriting, innovating and improving the human spirit. Education has always been the basis for the progress of human society. In the agricultural and industrial age that mankind has gone through, human beings have been mainly focused on meeting the needs of their growing material life. The development of material production has been given top priority. With the rise of knowledge economy, knowledge has replaced land capital and labor force and become the most important resource of economic development and the leading factor of economic growth. Knowledge industry will replace industry as the leading industry of social production, and knowledge workers will replace manual labor as The main body of social labor, education will surely rise to the forefront of economic development and social progress, become the center of social life. It is foreseeable that a knowledge society will be learning