9月2日,华为云计算大会(HCC 2013)在上海世博中心开幕。本届大会的最大亮点,就是华为首次引领创新推出“Fusion”(融合)战略,通过计算、存储、网络、虚拟化、数据中心等技术创新和融合,采用开放架构与第三方系统融合,实现精简部署、精简运维和精简管理,快速满足不断变化的业务需求,提升企业效率,进而实现“敏捷商道”。精简部署,缩短新业务上线时间这是一个快速变化的时代,企业只有敏捷应对变化,才
On September 2, Huawei Cloud Computing Conference (HCC 2013) opened at Shanghai World Expo Center. The highlight of this conference is Huawei’s first introduction of “Fusion” (Fusion) strategy for innovation. Through the integration of open architecture and third-party systems through technical innovation and integration of computing, storage, networking, virtualization and data center, Achieve streamlined deployment, streamline operations and streamline management, quickly meet changing business needs, improve business efficiency, and thus achieve “agile business ”. Streamline deployment, shorten the time for new business on-line This is a rapidly changing era, companies only agile response to change before