Patient, female, 35 years old. Seven years ago began to sit after the lower limbs meditation difficult, stiff sense, ease after walking. 2 years later gradually feel both hands difficult activities, and see muscle atrophy, speech gradually vague. 5 years after the disease has been made for electromyography: hands and the size of the motor muscle into the potential prolongation and tonic potential, suggesting that: myotonic dystrophy. Taking phenytoin sodium can temporarily improve muscle rigidity. In recent months, limbs increased fatigue, both hands flexion, extension difficulties, walking inconvenience. There are no similar patients in the family. Check: God clear, the language is not clear, long face, forehead hairline shift, bilateral temporal muscle atrophy, slender neck. Eyes cataracts, visual acuity: left 0.8 right 0.8, a little exposed teeth. Large hands, small intertidal muscle, interosseous muscle, lower extremity anterior tibial muscle atrophy. Two fingers, toe muscle strength 4 degrees, flexor slowly, stretching finger action to be completed within 3 to 4 seconds, but no buckle