
来源 :海派经济学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanshug
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正确认识经济危机的根源,既要坚持马克思主义又要发展马克思主义。坚持马克思主义要从唯物史观出发,经济危机的本质和根源由资本主义基本矛盾所决定,只能从历史长远趋势和历史规律来理解。当前重要的是发展马克思主义,要从经济制度和市场制度两个层面来解释当代经济危机的根源。马克思从社会经济制度层面揭示资本主义经济危机根源符合当时的历史。但马克思对商品经济不同阶段经济危机的可能性和现实性分析,可以市场制度是经济危机的基本原因。不同社会经济制度下的经济危机存在根本区别,社会主义制度下的经济危机是可控和可调节的,资本主义制度下的经济危机是不可控的,其自身无法解决的。中美反危机措施和效果可以为坚持和发展马克思经济危机根源理论提供例证。 To correctly understand the root cause of the economic crisis, we must uphold Marxism as well as Marxism. Insisting on Marxism, starting from the historical materialism, the nature and causes of the economic crisis are determined by the fundamental contradictions of capitalism and can only be understood from the historical long-term trends and historical laws. At present, it is important to develop Marxism and to explain the root causes of the current economic crisis from two aspects: the economic system and the market system. From the socio-economic system level, Marx revealed that the root causes of the capitalist economic crisis are in line with the historical conditions at that time. However, Marx’s analysis of the possibility and reality of the economic crisis at different stages of the commodity economy shows that the market system can be the basic reason for the economic crisis. The economic crisis under different social and economic systems is fundamentally different. The economic crisis under the socialist system is controllable and adjustable. The economic crisis under the capitalist system is uncontrollable and can not be solved by itself. Anti-crisis measures and effects between China and the United States can provide examples for the theory of the root cause of Marxist economic crisis.
摘 要:数字技术的发展对于摄影提供了无穷的机遇,也为教学和创作提供了更大的洞悉学科间相互关联的景深。在梳理摄影教育发展历程的基础上,对数字化背景下摄影教育的现状进行了分析,指出应从整合和优化课程结构、实现培养目标多元化、改革教学模式、培养学生的艺术修养等方面进行改革。  关键词:数字技术;摄影教学;基础教育  摄影以最快捷、最真实、最为形象的方式记录着人类文明,在新闻报道、商业营销、广告设计、艺术
提高服务质量和水平,追求读者的满意是图书馆服务创新的基础。论文分析了高校图书馆读者服务现状,并提出了实施服务创新的一些措施。 Improve the quality of service and l
摘要:文化馆为文化活动的开展提供了优良的环境。因此,在群众文化发展中占据着举足轻重的地位。本文将通过文化馆的发展历程以及职能,进一步分析文化馆在新形势下对群众文化发展的作用。  关键词:文化馆 新形势 群众文化活动  一、文化馆的发展历程  随着经济的快速发展,人们开始注重精神生活。文化馆在这种社会背景下广泛盛行,人民群众开始更多地接触知识和文化。随着教育的普及与发展,人们也意识到了文化馆对社会生