+3 Gz暴露中瞳孔大小的变化

来源 :航空军医 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jinjiajie
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前言 利用静止图片和电影摄影技术,早期的研究报道,暴露于加速度时,瞳孔立即扩大,且在持续+G2状态下一直扩大。因此,推测瞳孔散大是交感神经系统对突然的强烈刺激和大脑皮质缺氧的反应。因为瞳孔的大小不仅受生理的影响,而且也受大量精神和环境因素影响,这些因素在早期研究中未予考虑,所以我们对受试者暴露于+3Gz加速度时的瞳孔直径变化重新进行研究。方法 8名无眼球运动和前庭功能异常的志愿人员作为受试者。暗适应15min~20min之后,令受试者固视1m处0.25 mm红色LED园点,其它地方全暗,以控制眼球转动和亮度。用EL-MAR Foreword With still images and cinematography, early studies reported that the pupil immediately expanded upon exposure to acceleration and continued to expand in the + G2 state. Therefore, speculation mydriasis is the sympathetic nervous system to the sudden strong stimulation and cerebral cortex hypoxia response. Because pupil size is not only physiologically affected, but also influenced by a number of mental and environmental factors that were not considered in earlier studies, we revisit the pupil diameter changes when subjects were exposed to + 3Gz acceleration. Methods Eight volunteers without eye movement and vestibular dysfunction were selected as subjects. Dark adaptation 15min ~ 20min later, so that the subjects fixed at 1m 0.25 mm red LED park, all other dark places to control eye rotation and brightness. With EL-MAR