改进学习方法 激发学习热情

来源 :思想政治课教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ieven1989
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要进行有效教学,必须深入研究和改进学生的学习方法!笔者在教学实践中,努力通过推进小组合作学习法来提高教学效益。小组合作学习策略是由问题式学习的主要倡导者白罗斯创用的,是一种富有创意和实效的教学理论与策略,目前世界上许多国家都普遍采用。本文谈谈笔者在教学实践中的一些做法和体会,希望能给大家一点参考。一、问题的提出 To carry out effective teaching, we must thoroughly study and improve the students' learning methods! In the teaching practice, the author strives to improve teaching effectiveness by promoting the group cooperative learning method. The group cooperative learning strategy was developed by White Rose, the main advocate of problem-based learning. It is a creative and effective teaching theory and strategy, which is widely used in many countries in the world. This article talked about the author in the teaching practice of some practices and experiences, hoping to give you some reference. First, the question raised