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夏衍建议多多放映科技片 中国电影家协会主席夏衍呼吁社会各有关方面重视和扶植科技电影事业的发展,使它们尽快地同观众见面。 他认为,科技电影是普及科技知识的最有效的工具之一,特别是在八亿农民中有广阔的发展前景。他说,科技电影以通俗形象见长。当前提高全民族的科技文化素质,就要充分发挥科技电影的作用。他又一次建议:各电影院在放映故事片前是不是加放一部科技片或新闻片,可否在北京、上海、广州等大城市建立专门放映科技片、新闻片和美术片的电影院。他还希望科技电影通过电视屏幕走进千家万户。 (徐摘自《人民日报》86.7.31) Xia Yan Suggests Many Screenings Technology Film President Xia Yan of the China Film Critics Association urged all parties concerned in society to attach importance to and nurture the development of the science and technology movie industry so that they can meet with the audience as soon as possible. In his opinion, science and technology movies are one of the most effective tools for popularizing scientific and technological knowledge. In particular, there are broad prospects for development in the 800 million peasants. He said that science and technology movies have become popular images. At present, to raise the scientific and cultural qualities of the entire nation, it is necessary to give full play to the role of science and technology films. He once again suggested that whether the cinemas should put up a science and technology or news film before the screening of the feature films and whether they could set up cinemas specialized in science and technology films, news programs and art films in major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. He also hopes that technology films will reach millions of households through television screens. (Xu excerpt from People’s Daily, 86.7.31)
本文对湛江特呈岛森林旅游开发现状的调查,研究和分析其旅游开发中存在的问题,针对如何推动和加快特呈岛旅游开发提出相应的发展对策。 This paper investigates the status
1934年底,贺龙同志指挥部队在麻水附近消灭了一股敌人,就到麻水休整过年。打了胜仗又过新年,真是喜上加喜。贺龙虽然是军长,却和战士们穿一样的衣服,吃一样的饭菜。  一天,军部杀了一头猪,司务长把肉、油、肝、肠都分给了各个单位,唯独猪腰子不好分。小小的一对猪腰子,重不过半斤,切不过几片,分給谁好呢?司务长想了想,对炊事员说:“上次分肉,贺军长把他的一份送给了战士。对,猪腰子就留给他。”  开饭的时候