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安达卢西亚文化,由生活在伊比利亚半岛(阿拉伯人称之为“安达卢西亚”)的阿拉伯人、柏柏尔人和当地各民族人民共同创造,是阿拉伯伊斯兰文化的重要组成部分.征服安达卢西亚伊比利亚半岛位于欧洲西南部.那里四季如春,雨水丰沛,山高林密,河流湍急,沃野千里.伊斯兰征服前,伊比利亚半岛处于西哥特人的统治下.西哥特人是4世纪末摧毁并瓜分了西罗马帝国的日耳曼民族的一支.6世纪初,他们占领了伊比利亚半岛,建立了西哥特王国,定都托菜多.在阿拉伯人进行征服前不久,科尔多瓦总督——罗德里克推翻了渥姆巴国王的统治,自己取而代之.由于他残酷地迫害犹太人,引起了犹太人的反抗.犹太人派了一个使团去拜见驻守在马格里布的穆斯林武装部队首领——塔立克·本·齐亚德,请他征服安达卢西亚.在得到倭马亚朝马格里布总督穆萨·本·纳赛尔的批准后,塔立克于711年率军北渡海峡来 Andalusian culture, co-created by Arabs, Berbers and people of all ethnic origins living in the Iberian Peninsula (which the Arabs call “Andalusia”), is an important part of Arab Islamic culture. Lucia Iberia Peninsula in southwestern Europe.It has four seasons such as spring, abundant rainfall, high mountains and dense forests, the rapid river, fertile ground.Islam before the Iberian Peninsula in the Visigoths under the rule of the Visigoths Was a Germanic nation that destroyed and partitioned the Roman Empire at the end of the fourth century and occupied the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the sixteenth century and established the kingdom of Visigoth to capitalize on it.A shortly before the Arabs conquered, The Governor of Cordoba, Roderich, overthrew the king of Ohmuba and replaced himself, as a result of his cruel persecution of the Jews, which caused the Jewish resistance, and the Jews sent a delegation to visit the Maghreb Talib Ben Ziyad, leader of the Muslim Armed Forces, asked him to conquer Andalusia. After obtaining Umayyad approval from Mughraben Nasser, governor of the Maghreb, 711 years in the army crossing the Strait to North
根据塔里木河源流区1958-2004年的水文气象数据,利用Mann-Whitney和Mann-Kendall非参数技术检验,对塔里木河源流区近50 a来气候变化的长期趋势、变化特征及其空间分布进行检
Choosing Dalian Lake as study area to implement ecological restoration project,the existing environmental problems in Dalian Lake were analyzed firstly,and then