今年是孙中山先生诞辰13O周年,又是孙中山先生的安息地——中山陵建陵70周年。南京市档案馆与中山陵园管理处合作编辑、江苏古籍出版社出版了大型画册《中山陵史迹图集》。 这本图集共收集了40O多幅图片,相当一部分为首次发表。用凝重的笔墨概括了孙中山先生波澜壮阔的一生,以生动的画面记载了中山陵70年来所经历的风风雨雨。图集共分六大部分,即:中山伟陵、北上逝世、钟山建陵、迎榇奉安、谒陵悼念、陵园名胜。《中山伟陵》向世人展示了现今中国规模最大的纪念性陵园——中山陵的雄浑庄严,中山陵的古朴典雅及中山陵的主要纪念性建筑。《北上逝世》用珍贵的历史照片介绍了孙中
This year marks the 13th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Sun Yat-sen and the Sun Yat-sen’s resting place - the 70th anniversary of the construction of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Nanjing Archives and Zhongshan Cemetery Management Office co-editor, Jiangsu Ancient Books Publishing House published a large album, “the history of Sun Yat-sen Gallery.” This Atlas collected a total of more than 40O pictures, a considerable part of the first published. Summed up the magnificent life of Mr. Sun Yat-sen with dignified ink and color, recorded the ups and downs experienced by Sun Yat-sen for 70 years in vivid pictures. Atlas is divided into six parts, namely: Wellington, Zhongshan, north pass, Zhongling Jianling, Ying Feng Feng, Ye Ling tribute, the cemetery. “Zhongshan Weiling” shows the world the largest commemorative mausoleum in China today - the majestic and solemn of the Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, the simple and elegant Mausoleum of Sun Yat-sen and the main memorial building of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. “Death to the North” presents Sun Zhong with precious historical photographs