Thallium (T1) is a very rare scattered element in nature. Thallium minerals are extremely rare in nature, but there are only 10 thallium minerals known until 1984. In 1977, for the first time, A. Radfke et al. Were found in Carlin-type gold deposits in Nevada, USA, and the discovery of this province was only the second discovery in nature. The study indicates that thallium minerals are only formed in the low temperature stage of hydrothermal reaction, most of them are sulfides and sulfur salts, and selenides and oxides are individual. The province is found in low-temperature hydrothermal mercury deposits as sulfur salts, but not in the literature as formed in the magmatic post-hydrothermal deposits, but in the sedimentary re-deposit. The mineral was found in the mercury deposit at Xingren Industrail Factory in Guizhou Province.