Article 1 The local planning committees at all levels shall be an integral part of the people’s committee at the corresponding level and shall be under the direct leadership of the people’s committee at the same level and shall be under the planning business and shall be under the leadership of the higher planning committee and the State Planning Commission. The planning committees of the cities of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and districts with districts shall have one director and several vice-directors and five to nine members as the planning committees of the municipal districts. The above personnel should be full-time holders. The planning committees of autonomous prefectures, counties, autonomous counties and cities without districts shall have one director, deputy director and members. The director and members may be appointed by part-time personnel, but a full-time deputy director shall be established. Article 2 The basic tasks of the planning commissions of the municipalities of provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and districts with districts are: