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2013年2月26日,国防科工局在京召开2013年国防科技工业安全保密工作会议。国防科工局副局长黄强、国家保密局副局长梁建生出席会议并讲话。国防科工局安全生产与保密司司长朱名有作工作报告。会议认为,2012年,军工系统认真落实中央领导同志重要批示精神,完善安全保密规章制度,开展卓有成效的专项调研和检查,积极推进规范定密,坚持开展交叉检查,加快中介机构条件备案审查,强化安全保密教育培训,各项工作进展顺利,安全保 On February 26, 2013, the State Bureau of Science and Technology for National Defense held the 2013 Security Industry Safety and Security Conference in Beijing. Huang Qiang, deputy director of the Bureau of National Defense Science and Technology, and Liang Jiansheng, deputy director of the State Secrecy Bureau attended the meeting and made speeches. Secretary for Work Safety and Security Bureau of National Defense Zhu Ming made a working report. The meeting held that in 2012, the military system conscientiously implemented the important directives of the central leading comrades, perfected the rules and regulations on safety and security, carried out effective and special investigations and inspections, actively promoted the regulation of confidentiality, insisted on carrying out cross-checks, accelerated the examination and filing of intermediary institutions for record filing, strengthening Safety and security education and training, the work is progressing smoothly, safety and security
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我叫蓝远军,是江西省万载县西坑乡白泉村人,今年 35岁,去年 11月 29日由一介平民被村民选举为村委会主任。   说起我当村主任,纯属偶然。我 1981年高中毕业,作为山区小村里为数
利用密西根大学空间环境模拟中心的SWMF(space weather modeling framework)模型对亚暴事件首次进行预测模拟,并结合Geotail和Cluster卫星数据对模拟结果进行了验证.该亚暴事
有了地磁观测台站的数据,地球物理学家即使不离开地面也可以洞察我们这颗行星的内部情况以及近地空间的环境。 With data from geomagnetic observatories, geophysicists c
【关键词】儿歌;朗读  1 做好前期生活经验的准备  虽然大多数儿歌都是比较通俗易懂的,但对于生活经验相对较少的幼儿来说,有些内容或词汇在理解上还有一定的难度。比如《小溪流》这首儿歌,对于许多城市里的孩子来说,也许压根儿就没见过小溪在山涧奔跑流淌的样子,对小溪流这个角色缺乏了解。考虑到这点之后,活动前我就根据诗歌的内容设计制作了动态的PPT课件,并把儿歌的内容像讲故事那样说给孩子们听,形象的画面加
本文以 IC卡应用系统为基础,介绍了使用 IC卡管理 Internet开放实验室的策略,并给出设计实现方案。 Based on the IC card application system, this paper introduces the strategy of us
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