麦双尾蚜 Diuraphis noxia(Mordv.)俗名俄罗斯麦蚜(英文名 Russian WheatAphid),又名大麦蚜。本世纪初首次在俄国南部对大麦造成严重危害,目前正在世界各麦类主要产区迅速蔓延,危险日重,已引起人们的高度重视。一、在世界各地的扩散蔓延据文献记载,1900年首次发现该蚜在俄国南部乌克兰地区(北纬50°左右)成灾,麦类损失达76%(Grosshein,1914)。至50年代以来已扩散蔓延到中亚、西亚和北非的外高加索地区、阿富汗、伊朗、以色列、阿拉伯也门共和国、摩洛哥和东部非洲的国家和地区,欧
Diurepis noxia (Mordv.) Commonly known as the Russian wheat aphid (English name Wheat Wheat), also known as the barley aphid. This is the first time in this century that serious harm to barley has occurred in southern Russia. At present, major wheat-producing areas in the world are rapidly spreading and dangerous, which has aroused people’s attention. I. Spread of Diffusion Around the World According to the literature, it was first discovered in 1900 in the Ukraine region of southern Russia (about 50 ° north latitude) that wheat aphids have been hit by losses of 76% (Grosshein, 1914). Since the 1950s, it has spread to the outer Caucasus in Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa, Afghanistan, Iran, Israel, the Arab Republic of Yemen, Morocco and countries and regions in eastern Africa.