Hepatic artery infusion of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide and lipiodol mixture transfect liver cance

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maygrass
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AIM: To study the distribution and stability of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ASODN) in Walker-256 cells and their distribution in liver, lung and kidney tissues after being infused alone or mixed with lipiodol via hepatic artery in a rat liver tumor model. METHODS: 5’-Isothiocyananate (FITC)-labeled vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) ASODN was added into Walker-256 cell culture media. Its distribution in cells was observed by fluorescence microscope at different time points. Walker-256 carcinosarcoma was transplanted into Wistar rat liver to establish a liver cancer model. 5’-FITC-labeled VEGF ASODN mixed with (mixed group, n = 6) or without (TAI group, n = 6) ultra-fluid lipiodol was administrated via hepatic artery. Frozen samples of liver, lung and kidney tissue were taken from rats after 1, 3 and 6 d, respectively. The distribution of ASODN was observed under fluorescent microscope. RESULTS: ASODN could enter cytoplasm within 2 h and nuclei within 6 h. Accumulation of ASODN reached the peak point in nuclei at 12 h, and then disappeared gradually. No fluorescence could be seen in cells at 48 h. In vivo experiment, on d 1 and 3 the fluorescence staining in liver was stronger in mixed group than in TAI group and more fluorescence could be detected in lung and kidney in TAI group than in mixed group. On d 6, no fluorescence could be detected in TAI group, but faint fluorescence could be seen in mixed group. ASODN could be seen in cancer cells and normal hepatic cells. In mixed group, ASODN was mainly distributed in liver tumor tissues. CONCLUSION: ASODN can transfect Walker-256 cells. ASODN mixed with lipiodol infusion via hepatic artery can be used in the treatment of HCC. AIM: To study the distribution and stability of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide (ASODN) in Walker-256 cells and their distribution in liver, lung and kidney tissues after being infused alone or mixed with lipiodol via hepatic artery in a rat liver tumor model. METHODS: 5 Its distribution in cells was observed by fluorescence microscope at different time points. Walker-256 carcinosarcoma was transplanted into Wistar rat liver FITC-labeled VEGF ASODN mixed with (mixed group, n = 6) or without (TAI group, n = 6) ultra-fluid lipiodol was administered via hepatic artery. Frozen samples of liver, lung and kidney tissue were taken from rats after 1, 3 and 6 d, respectively. The distribution of ASODN was observed under fluorescent microscope. RESULTS: ASODN could enter cytoplasm within 2 h and nuclei within 6 h. Accumulation of ASO DN reached the peak point in nuclei at 12 h, and then disappeared gradually. No fluorescence could be seen in cells at 48 h. In vivo experiment, on d 1 and 3 the fluorescence staining in liver was stronger in mixed group than in TAI group and more fluorescence could be detected in lung and kidney in TAI group than in mixed group. On d 6, no fluorescence could be detected in TAI group, but faint fluorescence could be seen in mixed group. ASODN could be seen in cancer cells and normal In mixed group, ASODN was mainly distributed in liver tumor tissues. CONCLUSION: ASODN can transfect Walker-256 cells. ASODN mixed with lipiodol infusion via hepatic artery can be used in the treatment of HCC.
迈克-布朗在洛杉矶制造的悲剧一时半会儿是数不清的,在过去的一个多赛季里,这位憨厚可亲,体格圆润,天圆地不方,绰号“面包”的中年大叔无数次遭遇湖人球迷的口诛笔伐。在湖人球迷列举的罪状上,其中一项可以考虑写成一篇文章,名为《论角色球员的被毁灭》:同时可以考虑再给出一篇《论主力球员的疲劳死》,作为相应的姐妹篇。  洛杉矶荒诞剧  上赛季湖人手上的牌很有限,迈克-布朗一手导演的洛杉矶湖人荒诞剧虽然令人无语
这本是一次再普通不过的医疗暂停,但却因为它发生在如此特殊的时间节点而备受争议。而在那之后,阿扎伦卡的辩解、舆论的讨伐、球迷的责问都将它变为了一场关于职业道德的大讨论。但实际上这些人之中并没有谁能够去评判她的对与错,他们之所以各抒己见,不过是想知道事情的真相罢了。  球员和教练说  “我认为这非常不公平,因为她运用了规则里的灰色地带作弊,这是非常不光明的行径。无论你是用什么原因,都不可能在对手发球前
AIM: To investigate the implanting method of rabbit liver VX-2 tumor and its MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) characteristics. METHODS: Thirty-five New Zeala