ABA是美国书商协会(AmericanBooksellers Association)的缩写。但这里所说的、以及一般美国人心目中的ABA,却是出版界一个盛大活动,一个轰动全国、影响世界的出版节日,一次出版社展示实力、立身扬名的隆重机会,一个以书会友、生意兴隆的大市场。这就是每年一度的美国书商大会(ABA Convention)。今年的ABA在美国西部最大的都市洛杉矶举行,时间是五月二十八日至六月一日。一下飞机,“欢迎参加ABA”的大横幅就跃出眼帘。以后,马路两旁,公共汽车上,以及餐厅和咖啡馆里,都会看到这类热情洋溢的词
ABA is an acronym for the American Booksellers Association. However, what ABA mentioned here and what the average American thinks is a grand event in the publishing industry, a publication festival that has made a big splash in the world and affects the world, a grand occasion for a publishing house to display its strength and become famous for its reputation, Business is booming big market. This is the annual ABA Convention. This year’s ABA was held in Los Angeles, the largest city in the western United States, from May 28 to June 1. The plane, “Welcome to ABA” big banner jumped out. Later, both sides of the road, the bus, as well as restaurants and cafes, will see such a warm word