漂浮育苗可使烟苗生产效率提高4~5倍;有效提高烟苗的抗病性;整齐度很高;根的数量超过常规育苗的1倍以上;长距离运输,方便移栽;消除早花,较常规烟苗每棵烟增加1~2片叶,并可增加叶片宽度,扩展叶面积;烟苗移栽后有明显的返苗期,对烟叶中后期的生长有良好促进作用。基于这些优越性,漂浮育苗已为烟农所认可。 一、位置选择 (1)地势平坦向阳,西、北方向有防风屏障。上午9时至下午3时受光好,地温回暖快。(2)有电源和洁净水源。(3)农宅附近,便于管理。(4)禁止在茄科及其它菜地、油菜地以及当年烟地建棚,以防染病。
Floating nursery stock can increase the production efficiency of tobacco seedlings 4 to 5 times; effectively improve the resistance of tobacco seedlings; uniformity is high; the number of roots more than 1 times more than conventional nursery; long-distance transport, easy to transplant; , Compared with the conventional tobacco seedlings per tobacco increased by 1 to 2 leaves, and can increase the width of the leaves, expanding leaf area; tobacco seedling transplanted obvious back to the seedling stage, the growth of tobacco has a good role in promoting. Based on these advantages, floating nursery has been approved by tobacco farmers. First, the location of choice (1) flat terrain, west, north wind barriers. 9:00 am to 3:00 pm by the light, ground temperature pick up fast. (2) There is power and clean water. (3) near the farm house, easy to manage. (4) It is forbidden to build shelters in Solanaceae and other vegetable fields, rape fields and current year’s tobacco so as to prevent disease.