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近年来,地处我国改革开放前沿地带的广东、浙江、江苏三省民营经济取得长足发展。他们的共同特点是:发展速度快、经济实力强、科技含量高、开放程度大、特色突出、机制灵活。一大批民营企业初具现代企业制度雏形。与广东、浙江、江苏等先进省市相比,山东民营经济起步晚、速度慢、层次低,抵抗风险的能力不强。分析其问题原因,主要表现在:一是思想观念滞后。在一定时期内,由于受长期计划经济的影响,我们对民营经济重要地位和作用认识上并不完全统一。有的对发展民营经济认识不到位,心存疑虑,怕担风险,工作中放不开手脚,在贯彻执行中央和省发展民营经济政策时,态度不坚决,制约多于鼓励,限制多于扶持,工作指导缺乏力度。有的对抓民营经济的发展作表面文章多,满足于开会发文件,在扶持引导、政策落实等方面缺乏真抓实干精神,在一定程度上影响和制约了民营经济的发展。二是发展环境滞后。近几年,各地都制定出台了若干优惠扶持政策,对民营经济的发展起到了推动作用。但是思想观念滞后,在政策制定和执行上,既有不到位问题,也有贯彻落实不力的问题。有些政策在市场准入、资源利用、审批收费等方面没有 In recent years, the private economy in the three provinces of Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu located in the forefront of China’s reform and opening up has made great strides. Their common features are: fast development, strong economic strength, high technology content, great openness, outstanding features and flexible mechanism. A large number of private enterprises have taken shape in the modern enterprise system. Compared with the advanced provinces and cities such as Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu, the private economy in Shandong starts late, is slow, has low levels and is not capable of resisting risks. Analysis of the causes of the problem, mainly in: First, the idea of ​​lagging behind. In a certain period of time, due to the long-term planned economy, we are not completely unified in understanding the important status and role of the private economy. Some people do not fully understand the development of the private economy, they have misgivings, fear of taking risks, and they can not put their hands on their work. When implementing the policies of the Central Government and the provincial government for the development of private economy, the attitude is not firm, the restrictions are more than the encouragement, and the restrictions are more than the support Job guidance lacked strength. Some articles on the development of the private economy made many surface writings, were content with meeting documents, and lacking in practical guidance in supporting and guiding the implementation of policies, which to a certain extent affected and restricted the development of the private economy. Second, the development environment lags behind. In recent years, various localities have promulgated a number of preferential policies to promote the development of the private economy has played a catalytic role. However, their ideas and concepts are lagging behind. In their formulation and implementation of policies, they have both problems that are not in place and problems in implementing them. Some policies do not include market access, resource utilization, examination and approval fees, etc.
1.为什么一般气割割不动铸铁?可用什么方法割?(宜宾齿轮厂) 答:决定金属气割性能的条件之一是金属在氧气流内能剧烈地燃烧,其熔点应高于金属的燃点,即先燃烧后熔化,而且其氧
地质与选矿 白云鄂博褐忆锐矿的发现与意义················································……梁有彬等〔3。53〕 从
随着中国文化大革命的结束,党 的十一届三中会全的召开,改革开放的春风在古老的华夏大地吹荡。在春风的呼唤下,经济特区在东南沿海诞生,尔后,经济技术开发区在东北大连应运
压指是我厂单相同步发电机刷握上的一个零件。材料为1mm厚铜板,由于其外形及孔径都比较小,如图1所示,我厂采用冲孔、落料均在一付模具上完成。 一、模具特点及冲制过程 该级