趁来京之便,集中地看了几次戏。很凑巧,所看的戏都是在祖国轟轟烈烈大跃进声中的产物。新的內容需要寻求新的方法、新的形式来表現。剧作者、导演、演員、舞台美术家們,作为戏剧这门綜合艺术的组成者,都在作各方面的大胆尝試。从最近期間在北京舞台上出現的几个話剧来看,我們在这方面已取得了成就;但在摸索过程中,走了些弯路,遭到一些失敗也是难免的疑钚胖灰岢忠择R列主义美学思想为指导,通过不断的艺术实践,不消多久,我們在艺术上就会攀登到一个新的高峰! 作为业务学習,看完戏后拉杂写了些感想和看法。×月×日今天晚上看了北京人艺演出的《关汉卿》。在戏的处理上有許多独到之处,但是总觉得缺少像初讀剧本时那种热情奔放一气呵成的印象,主要对关汉卿这样一个“一空倚傍,自鑄伟詞”、爱憎分明大智大勇的人物形象还嫌塑造得不够亲切、生动。在演出形式
While taking advantage of Beijing, I saw a few scenes. Very coincidentally, the show is watching the vigorous leap in the motherland sound of the product. The new content needs to find new ways, new forms to express. Playwright, director, actor, stage artist, as a composer of the art of drama, are making bold attempts in all aspects. Judging from the few plays that recently appeared on the stage in Beijing, we have already achieved success in this respect. However, in the process of exploration, we have to make some detours and some failures are inevitable. It is not long before long after we lead the aesthetic thinking of loyalty and R-Columnism and through artistic practice, we will climb to a new peak in art! As a business study, we read some thoughts and opinions after reading the drama. × month × day saw Peking Man’s performance “Guan Hanqing” tonight. There are many unique features in the handling of the play but always feel the same lack of enthusiasm and imagination like the initial play, mainly focusing on Guan Hanqing’s " Character image still too modest shape, vivid. In the form of performance