广东省澄海市是新崛起的粤东海滨城市。境内旅游资源十分丰富。在增创新优势、迈向新世纪的征途中 ,合理开发、充分利用澄海的旅游资源 ,使资源优势尽快地转变为产业优势和经济优势 ,把旅游业培育成主导产业和新的经济增长点 ,是澄海市可持续发展的一项重要内容。 一、澄海
Chenghai City, Guangdong Province is a newly emerging coastal city of eastern Guangdong. Domestic tourism resources are very rich. In creating new advantages and marching toward the new century, it is necessary to develop and make full use of the tourism resources of Chenghai so that resource advantages can be transformed into industrial and economic advantages as soon as possible, cultivate tourism into a leading industry and a new economic growth point, Is an important part of Chenghai’s sustainable development. First, Chenghai