王珻(1674—1742年),字韫辉,号石和,山西盂县芝角村人.清朝康熙四十五年(1706年)进士,授翰林院庶吉士、检讨.他一生不仅在诸如情操、教育等方面值得称道,而且古文的成就备受人们推崇.他是孟县以至山西省一位知名的历史人物.书香门第 文学世家王珻出身于官宦世家,祖籍为太原府人.明初从并迁盂,至他历经12世、二百余年中,王氏宗族中取得科名及功业者不可胜计.他的曾祖父王汲用,“少孤力学,卓然不苟”,以太原郡庠生,“推为古君子”.他的父亲王瓒先,字接武(1636一1728年)从小失去母亲,但自愤好学,10岁就随从祖父参加乡试,人们赞许其年少多才.后被加封文林郎、翰林院检讨.他虽被封官,但不爱做官,也没有到位当官,而是居家“研倚伏之理”,“延师督课”,教育子弟.他经常训戒子弟说:“盛衰相依,与其过衰,勿宁不盛.我不愿自己的子
Wang Wei (1674-1742), the word Hui Hui, number stone and, Shiyuan Village, Shanxi Yuxian people .In forty-five years of the Qing Dynasty Kangxi (1706) Jinshi, Professor Han Shuji Shuji, review his life not only in such as sentiments , Education and other aspects commendable, and much achievement praised by the people.He is Meng County and even a well-known historical figure in Shanxi Province.Wang Shu was born in the official family, the ancestral home of the Taiwanese government. From the relocation of his house, until he passed through the 12th century, more than 200 years, the clan of Wang clan won the title of division and power, and his great-grandfather Wang Ji used “less ghost mechanics and diligence” to Taiyuan County She was born, “pushing for the old gentleman.” His father Wang Yixian, the word then Wu (1636-1728) lost his mother since childhood, but he was angry and learned, at the age of 10 to follow the grandfather to participate in the rural examination, people praised its young and talented. Wenlin Lang, Imperial Academy review .Although he was Fengguan, but do not love to be officials, but also not in place an official, but the home “research leans Fuzhili”, “deferred teacher class”, education of children.He often discipline Children said: "Rise and Fall dependent, rather than bad, rather than Sheng .I do not want their own children