美式超大排量的SUV一直以来都是“油老虎”的“完美”代言,但凯迪拉克凯雷德Hybrid的出现,则打破了这个“传统”。没有人会相信,这个排量达到6.0 L的大家伙能跑出10 7L/100km的城市油耗。那一张关于油耗的照片,还是我在早高峰中遇到交通管制时的“闲暇”之作。即便8月份中小学都放假了,辛苦的爸爸妈妈们可以难得地多赖一会儿床。但是,这里终究是北京,无论是朝阳东升,还是夕阳西下,马路上永远是车水马龙的场景,而一袭白装的凯迪拉克凯雷德Hybrid行走在其中显得格外突出,并成为了关注的对象。
American super-displacement SUV has always been “oil tiger ” “perfect ” endorsement, but the appearance of the Cadillac Kelaide Hybrid, then broke the “tradition ”. No one will believe that this big guy with a displacement of 6.0 L can run the city for 10 7L / 100km. That one picture of fuel consumption, or I am in the early rush hour when traffic control “leisure ” for the work. Even if primary and secondary schools are on holiday in August, hard-working moms and dads can count on a rare bed. However, here is after all Beijing, both the rising sun, or the setting sun, the road is always a busy scene, and dressed in a white Cadillac Keleide Hybrid walking in which it is particularly prominent, and become the object of concern.