当今三十多岁的青年国画家星群中,很少有像张建华那样重视作品的精神内涵,而且能够将北派的阳刚大气与南派的水墨韵味合为一体,形成气势雄浑而又意蕴幽邃的审美品格,这委实难能可贵。张建华在绘画创作上可谓早熟,这得力于他的悟性、勤奋和学养。童年和少年时期在故乡高邮度过,古城文化积淀,水乡秀丽风光,孕育了他的艺术灵性,小有画名。18岁参军后, 在“为兵服务”的实践中,他如鱼得水,而后又得到赴北京攻读三年大学的机会,系统的专业培训和广泛研习中外艺术,他更如虎添翼。1991年,26岁的张建华以中国画《坚贞不屈》一举夺得全军美术创作一等奖。从此,他的作品不断入选全国和全军美展,多次获奖,并被国家重要机构和单位收藏。28岁时, 他就成为中国美术家协会会员。
In the constellation of young artists in their thirties, seldom attaches great importance to the spiritual connotation of works like Zhang Jianhua, and can combine the masculinity of the northern school with the ink charm of the south school to form an imposing and implicit meaning The aesthetic character, which really commendable. Zhang Jianhua in the creation of the painting can be described as premature, thanks to his understanding, diligence and learning. Childhood and adolescence in the hometown of Gaoyou spent, the ancient city of cultural heritage, beautiful scenery in the water, gave birth to his artistic spirit, a little name. After joining the army at the age of 18, he became more accomplished in the practice of “serving the soldiers”, and then got the chance to go to Beijing for a three-year university study, systematic professional training and extensive study of Chinese and foreign art. In 1991, 26-year-old Zhang Jianhua won the first prize of the army’s art creation with his Chinese painting “Unyielding and Unyielding.” Since then, his works have been selected for the national and all-army art exhibitions, won prizes many times, and is collected by important national institutions and units. At age 28, he became a member of the Chinese Artists Association.