虽然一提到美貌, 多数人会说“心里美更重要”, 但每天照照镜子, 还是有一半以上的女性对自己的容貌不满, 甚至希望通过有风险的整容手术来使自己“脱胎换骨”。
Some 51% of young women would have surgery to improve their looks and a third of those who are a size 12 think they are overweight, a survey suggests.
一项调查显示, 大约51%的年轻女性希望通过手术来改善容貌, 三分之一是12号尺码(英式, 相当于大号)的妇女仍然认为自己过胖。
BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat asked 25,000 people, mostly aged 17 to 34, how they felt about their bodies.
BBC英国广播公司电台第一频道访问了25,000人有关如何看待自己体型的问题, 受访者的年龄大部分在17岁到34岁之间。
Almost half the women surveyed said they had skipped a meal to lose weight, while 8% had made themselves sick.
几乎半数受访女性表示, 她们曾放弃一餐来减肥, 而8%的人曾通过让自己呕吐来减肥。
Eating disorder experts said it was “sad but not surprising” that young people felt and acted in such ways.
饮食失调问题专家说, 年轻人有这个感觉和这样做让人“伤心但并不惊讶”。
The survey found two thirds of those who are size 14 also thought they were overweight or fat.
这项调查发现, 三分之二拥有英式尺码14号身材的人认为自己过重或肥胖。
Even with the celebrity emphasis on being size zero (UK size four), fewer than one in a hundred of those surveyed said they were that size.
即使号称拥有“零号尺码”(英式尺码4号)的被访者, 也只有少于百分之一的人承认自己属于这个身材级别。
Given the choice of ultra-skinny, thin and curvaceous, both men and women rated a curvy Martine McCutcheon as having the best body.
在超瘦、瘦和凹凸有致的女性中间, 男男女女一致认为拥有曲线美的玛蒂娜•麦卡琴拥有最佳身材。
Half of the women questioned said there was “lots they would change” about their bodies—and more than 10% “hated” what they looked like.
半数受访女性表示, 她们的身体“需要改造的地方很多”;超过10%的人“憎恶”自己的外貌。
Many people said they were trying to change their looks.
不少人说, 他们会尝试改变自己的外表。
More than 20% of female respondents said that they were on a diet, compared with fewer than 10% of men.
超过20%的女性受访者表示她们正在节食, 而只有不足10%的男性会这么做。
And more than 50% of female respondents said they would consider having plastic surgery, compared with less than a quarter of men.
超过50%的受访女性表示她们会考虑整形手术, 而只有不到四分之一的男性会考虑这么做。
Breast enlargement was the most popular operation for women, while liposuction was the next most popular.
隆胸是妇女中最常见的手术, 抽脂次之。
Liposuction and nose jobs were the most common choices for men.
男性当中, 抽脂和鼻部整形是最常见的整形手术。
The online survey found that even younger people had concerns over their looks.
这项网上调查发现, 即使青少年也会关注自己的外表。
More than half of girls aged 12 to 16 felt that their body image either stops them from getting a boyfriend or from relaxing in a relationship.
年龄在12岁到16岁的少女当中, 超过一半的人认为自己的身材要么会妨碍到自己结识男友, 要么就会有碍双方的关系。
Young men also appear to feel the pressure to look good.
About 20% of those in their early 20s said that they have taken protein supplements in a bid to help themselves bulk up, compared with 11% of over 35s.
20多岁的男性中有大约20%的人表示, 他们服用蛋白补充剂让自己变得肌肉健壮, 而只有11%超过35岁的男性会这样做。
And when asked to rate photos of differently shaped male bodies, almost 80% of men and 65% of women favoured a very muscular physique.
在评价不同身形的男性图片时, 几乎80%的男性和65%的女性都喜欢肌肉型男。
A spokeswoman for Beating Eating Disorders said there were an estimated 1.1 million people in the UK with eating disorders.
“对付饮食失调”机构的发言人表示, 预计全英国有110万人饮食失调。
Research says that typical age of onset for an eating disorder is 14 to 25. Young people are affected by many issues at this present time with issues such as exams, bullying, family pressures.
研究发现, 饮食失调的典型初发期是14岁到25岁。这时候的年轻人容易受到很多问题的影响, 例如考试、被欺凌和家庭压力等。
Some 51% of young women would have surgery to improve their looks and a third of those who are a size 12 think they are overweight, a survey suggests.
一项调查显示, 大约51%的年轻女性希望通过手术来改善容貌, 三分之一是12号尺码(英式, 相当于大号)的妇女仍然认为自己过胖。
BBC Radio 1’s Newsbeat asked 25,000 people, mostly aged 17 to 34, how they felt about their bodies.
BBC英国广播公司电台第一频道访问了25,000人有关如何看待自己体型的问题, 受访者的年龄大部分在17岁到34岁之间。
Almost half the women surveyed said they had skipped a meal to lose weight, while 8% had made themselves sick.
几乎半数受访女性表示, 她们曾放弃一餐来减肥, 而8%的人曾通过让自己呕吐来减肥。
Eating disorder experts said it was “sad but not surprising” that young people felt and acted in such ways.
饮食失调问题专家说, 年轻人有这个感觉和这样做让人“伤心但并不惊讶”。
The survey found two thirds of those who are size 14 also thought they were overweight or fat.
这项调查发现, 三分之二拥有英式尺码14号身材的人认为自己过重或肥胖。
Even with the celebrity emphasis on being size zero (UK size four), fewer than one in a hundred of those surveyed said they were that size.
即使号称拥有“零号尺码”(英式尺码4号)的被访者, 也只有少于百分之一的人承认自己属于这个身材级别。
Given the choice of ultra-skinny, thin and curvaceous, both men and women rated a curvy Martine McCutcheon as having the best body.
在超瘦、瘦和凹凸有致的女性中间, 男男女女一致认为拥有曲线美的玛蒂娜•麦卡琴拥有最佳身材。
Half of the women questioned said there was “lots they would change” about their bodies—and more than 10% “hated” what they looked like.
半数受访女性表示, 她们的身体“需要改造的地方很多”;超过10%的人“憎恶”自己的外貌。
Many people said they were trying to change their looks.
不少人说, 他们会尝试改变自己的外表。
More than 20% of female respondents said that they were on a diet, compared with fewer than 10% of men.
超过20%的女性受访者表示她们正在节食, 而只有不足10%的男性会这么做。
And more than 50% of female respondents said they would consider having plastic surgery, compared with less than a quarter of men.
超过50%的受访女性表示她们会考虑整形手术, 而只有不到四分之一的男性会考虑这么做。
Breast enlargement was the most popular operation for women, while liposuction was the next most popular.
隆胸是妇女中最常见的手术, 抽脂次之。
Liposuction and nose jobs were the most common choices for men.
男性当中, 抽脂和鼻部整形是最常见的整形手术。
The online survey found that even younger people had concerns over their looks.
这项网上调查发现, 即使青少年也会关注自己的外表。
More than half of girls aged 12 to 16 felt that their body image either stops them from getting a boyfriend or from relaxing in a relationship.
年龄在12岁到16岁的少女当中, 超过一半的人认为自己的身材要么会妨碍到自己结识男友, 要么就会有碍双方的关系。
Young men also appear to feel the pressure to look good.
About 20% of those in their early 20s said that they have taken protein supplements in a bid to help themselves bulk up, compared with 11% of over 35s.
20多岁的男性中有大约20%的人表示, 他们服用蛋白补充剂让自己变得肌肉健壮, 而只有11%超过35岁的男性会这样做。
And when asked to rate photos of differently shaped male bodies, almost 80% of men and 65% of women favoured a very muscular physique.
在评价不同身形的男性图片时, 几乎80%的男性和65%的女性都喜欢肌肉型男。
A spokeswoman for Beating Eating Disorders said there were an estimated 1.1 million people in the UK with eating disorders.
“对付饮食失调”机构的发言人表示, 预计全英国有110万人饮食失调。
Research says that typical age of onset for an eating disorder is 14 to 25. Young people are affected by many issues at this present time with issues such as exams, bullying, family pressures.
研究发现, 饮食失调的典型初发期是14岁到25岁。这时候的年轻人容易受到很多问题的影响, 例如考试、被欺凌和家庭压力等。