往往在初次见面的时候,正式一点总免不了要相互握手,其实从这个认识人的第一个动作,就可以知道他是怎样的人: A.用力握住对方的手 B.只握手指头的部分 c.是以两只手握住对方 D.不停地上下摇动一分析: 用力握住对方的手。这类型的人,容易在别人面前毫无顾虑地批评某人,并且他们的辩论能力非常强,对事情能做很有条理的分析,是一个难缠的批评高手。对于主观性这么强烈的人,最好的办法就是顺着他们的意思,然后以柔克刚,兜个圈来让他们点头认可。
Often when meeting for the first time, it is impossible to formally shake hands with each other. In fact, from this first act of knowing people, we can know who he is. Hold each other’s hands B firmly. Only hold the finger part c. Hold the opponent with both hands. Keep shaking up and down an analysis: hard to hold each other’s hands. This type of person is easy to criticize someone without any concern before others and their ability to debate is very strong and can make a very structured analysis of things is a tough expert in criticism. The best way for people with such subjectivity is to follow their point of view and then give them a nod in their approval by using soft knuckles.