Intermittent Geocast Routing in Urban Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhuyundao
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Nowadays, both vehicular active safety service and user infotainment service have become two core applications for urban Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks(u VDTNs). Both core applications require a high data transmission capacity over u VDTNs. In addition, the connection between any two vehicles in u VDTNs is intermittent and opportunistic. Intermittent data dissemination over u VDTNs is a stringent and challenging issue. In this paper,we propose Intermittent Geocast Routing(IGR). For the first step, IGR has to estimate the active connection time interval via the moving directions and velocities between any two vehicles. Second, the throughput function for u VDTNs is fitted by building a wavelet neural network traffic model. Third, the throughput function within the effective connection time interval is integrated to obtain the forwarding capability estimation of the node. Fourth, a high-efficiency geocast routing algorithm using the node forwarding capability for u VDTNs is designed. Finally, IGR is simulated on the opportunistic Network Environment simulator. Experimental results show that IGR can greatly improve the packet delivery ratio, transmission delay, delay jitter, and packet loss rate compared with the state of the art. Nowadays, both vehicular active safety service and user infotainment service have become two core applications for urban Vehicular Delay Tolerant Networks (u VDTNs). Both core applications require a high data transmission capacity over u VDTNs. In this paper, we propose Intermittent Geocast Routing (IGR). For the first step, IGR has to estimate the active connection time interval via the moving Second, the throughput function for u VDTNs is fitted by building a wavelet neural network traffic model. Third, the throughput function within the effective connection time interval is integrated to obtain the throughput capability estimation of the node. Fourth, a high-efficiency geocast routing algorithm using the node forwarding capability for u VDTNs is designed. Finally, IGR is simulated on the opportunistic Network Environment simulator. Experimental results show that IGR can improve improve the packet delivery ratio, transmission delay, delay jitter, and packet loss rate compared with the state of the art.
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