Ten Chinese 1 mice, 5 were young rats (45 days) and 5 rats (95 days). The airway tissue specimens were fixed in the solution of isotonic formaldehyde - acetic acid mixed with toluidine blue and Alcian blue - Stained red to show mast cells. And with its skin mast cells as a control. The results showed that the number of connective tissue mast cells (CTMCs) per unit area of the respiratory mucosa was significantly higher in the nasal mucosa than in the larynx, trachea and lung. Meanwhile, respiratory tract mast cells increased with age, significantly more in adult rats than in young rats (p <0.05). Alcian blue-stained red staining of adult rat mast cell particles, Alclan blue positive rate higher than the young rats. Tracheal and pulmonary occasionally mucosal mast cells (MMC).