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二战后德国不惜以破坏环境为代价大力发展经济,生态危机的出现与环境公害事件的发生,迫使政府制定与实施了应急性与技术性的环境法律法规来进行污染治理。在完成治理目标后,环境法的制定逐步转变为以政策为导向,以预防为目标,并不断注重法律的整体性。德国环境法原则明确、重视事前预防与信息公开,环境治理与保护在公众的积极参与下成效显著,在全球合作的大背景下,德国将通过科技创新与政策支持大力促进循环经济的发展与可再生能源的使用。中国快速的经济发展造成了环境污染与资源浪费,德国环境法制建设对我国的环保工作具有诸多借鉴之处,中国需要结合本国国情与特点,完成从环境污染型经济增长到环境友好型经济发展的转变。 After World War II, Germany vigorously developed the economic and ecological crisis and environmental pollution incidents at the expense of destroying the environment, forcing the government to formulate and implement emergency and technical environmental laws and regulations to carry out pollution control. After the goal of governance was completed, the enactment of the environmental law was gradually transformed into a policy-oriented and prevention-oriented goal and continued to focus on the integrity of the law. Under the background of global cooperation, Germany will vigorously promote the development of recycling economy through scientific and technological innovation and policy support, with clear principles of environmental law in Germany, prior prevention and information disclosure, environmental governance and protection with remarkable public participation. Use of renewable energy. China’s rapid economic development has caused environmental pollution and waste of resources. The German environmental legal system has many lessons for China’s environmental protection work. China needs to combine its own national conditions and characteristics to complete the development from an environment-polluted economy to an environment-friendly economy change.
实证研究方法是通过对研究对象进行大量观察、实验和调查,获取客观材料和数据,从个别到一般,归纳出事物本质属性和发展规律的研究方法。 $$   在工商行政管理工作中运用实
术后尿潴留是外科手术后常见病发症 ,发生率在 38% - 5 2 %之间。本文将国内近 10年来术后尿潴留的处理方法的相关探讨资料综述为 4类 10种方法。第一类是以中医为本的方法 ,