继2005年国语大碟《我是阳光的》及《纸醉金迷2005演唱会》,陈慧琳终于推出最新大碟《Happy Girl》。在构思唱片封面时,工作人员都希望能在游船上取景,所以美术指导奚仲文特别向唱片公司老总林建岳借了一艘大游艇出海拍摄。陈慧琳说:“当天拍了足足12小时,要不停涂防晒用品,好怕晒到变烧猪!虽然拍摄时间长,不过好开心,因为叫公司同事一起去玩,好像开party,顺便当放假。”
Following the 2005 Mandarin album “I am the Sunshine” and “Drunk Golden 2005 Concert”, Kelly finally released the latest album “Happy Girl”. During the conceiving of the record cover, the staff members all hoped to view the cruise ship. Therefore, art director Xi Zhongwen borrowed a large yacht from the record company chief executive Lin Jian-Yue for filming. Kelly said: “The day took a full 12 hours, to be coated with sunscreen products, so afraid of the sun to become a burning pig! Although shooting for a long time, but so happy, because the company colleagues to play together, like to open a party, by the way When holiday. ”