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经过十几年的发展,×××经济取得了长足的进步,但城市建设基础差,底子薄,历史欠账多,群众对改善城市环境的呼声非常迫切。近年来,我们顺应民意,改善民生,扎实推进“品质之城”建设。尤其是,2010年投入资金2500万元,完成2.5公里的南官大道街景立面改造;今年又投入资金2200万元,实施了1.1公里的富仕路街景综合整治,一展×××特色商业街区新形象。在街景整治上,我们的主要 After more than a decade of development, the economy of XXXX has made great progress. However, the foundation for urban construction is poor, its foundation is weak, and its history is in default. Many people are crying for improving urban environment. In recent years, we have followed public opinion, improved people’s livelihood, and steadfastly pushed forward the building of a “city of quality”. In particular, 2010 invested 25 million yuan to complete the 2.5-kilometer South Avenue Avenue Street facade renovation; this year has invested 22 million yuan, the implementation of the 1.1-kilometer Fu Shi Lu Street King comprehensive renovation, a show × × × Featured Business Block new image. In street regulation, our main