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在当前世界面临的“新的技术革命”中,信息对经济的发展,对社会进步都有着巨大的作用。信息系统已成为现代管理学的组成部分。企业的信息管理工作也由企业管理的附属地位上升为一个独立的、起“神经中枢”作用的体系。本文试图结合工业企业的实际谈谈信息与信息管理的有关概念、重要性以及加强信息管理工作的途径。一、从信息到管理信息系统 1.信息就是人们通常说的消息、情况、讯号、指令等。同物质、能量一样,信息是构成客观世界的三大要素之一,是系统之间普遍联系的特殊形式。从认识论的角度看,信息又是客观事物的状态、性质、发展、变化等的描述或反映,是人们认识世界和改造世界的依据。在企业管理中,经常产生和运用的信息有计划、报表、图纸、规程、制度、指令、记录、台帐以及各种符号等大量数据。它是企业生产经营活动的客观 In the “new technological revolution” facing the world today, information has a huge effect on economic development and on social progress. Information systems have become an integral part of modern management. The enterprise’s information management work has also risen from an ancillary position in business management to an independent system that functions as a “neutral center”. This article attempts to talk about the concept and importance of information and information management and how to strengthen information management work in relation to the actual situation of industrial enterprises. First, from information to management information system 1. Information is what people usually say news, situations, signals, instructions. Like materials and energy, information is one of the three major elements that constitute the objective world and is a special form of general connection between systems. From the perspective of epistemology, information is the description or reflection of the status, nature, development, and change of objective things. It is the basis for people to understand the world and transform the world. In enterprise management, the information that is frequently generated and used is large amounts of data such as plans, reports, drawings, procedures, systems, instructions, records, ledgers, and various symbols. It is the objective of production and business activities of enterprises
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