在新石器时代和商、周、汉的遗址中,均出土高粱的遗存(1),说明我国种植高粱的时间甚早。但秦汉以前的文献中,一直未见有关高粱的明确记载。先秦时期高粱的名称是什么,至今未有定论。 吴瑞曰:“稷苗似芦,粒亦大,南人呼为芦 。”王念孙注《广雅》曰:“今之高粱,古之
In the Neolithic period and Shang, Zhou, Han ruins, are unearthed the remains of sorghum (1), indicating that the planting of sorghum in our country very early. However, in the previous literature of the Qin and Han dynasties, no clear record of sorghum has been found. The name of sorghum in the pre-Qin period is what, so far not conclusive. Wu Rui said: “Miao Miao like reed, grain is also large, the South called Hulu.” Wang Nian Sun Note “Guang Ya” said: "Today’s sorghum, the ancient